17 April 2019 - 21 May 2020 Charity partner events
MOTORSIC LAND CORIANO 27/28 Aprile 2019 - Ci Vediamo dal Sic
This year, around Mid February , the Foundation and the city council invited the Piston Association to continue to organise the annual event “Sicday”. This event was originated by the 58boys & has been held each year for the past seven years.
The Piston Association have accepted the invitation & with the very little time available at our disposal, now we are ready. With the very short notice, we are very happy to finally invite you at MotorSic Land 2019 – Edition 0. We hope you will come in order to participate.
On Saturday morning we will bring you to visit the Casa del Sic (the centre for the disabled children that together we have built in the last 4 years) while on Saturday afternoon to Sic’s Land: Coriano, Morciano, Santa maria del Piano, Montecerignone, the distance of the track is 65km (4 hours around map https://goo.gl/maps/Wd43Lw2Siyp that we are already organizing ).
When we return then to Coriano , we will light up the flame and we can all have dinner in several restaurants.
On Sunday morning After a substantial breakfast we go together to the Marco Simoncelli world Circuit in Misano.
This is the programme more or less surely we are here to wait you!
The partecipation to the event requires the join to the Piston Association in quality of supporter with 15€ you can have
- Stiker to qualify you biker of the Motorsicland
- Bracelet to get in at the Sicland with permission to visit Home of Sic
- Bracelet to do the lap around all the stages
- Entry on track at MWC
Please note that the registration will be possible only at Coriano 27/4 9 am -6pm, and 28/4 9am 10.30am. otherwise you cannot go to Misano circuit.